You know how you frequently get special treatment at a store or in a restaurant and are now totally fed up with it? Do you feel the need to roll your eyes each time someone asks you if you’re a model? No? Well evidently you’re not beset with all the terrible problems all those poor, smoking hot people have to deal with all the time, such as:
Too many options because everything fits perfectly
Running out of excuses
Having to learn new languages just to find new ways to say “thank-you”
Having to explain why one is not an actor/model or at least flight attendant
People do assume that good looking people should all become actors and models – en masse. At the very least they should become flight attendants. They assume that because they look that good in tight pants they owe it to the world be in a profession where people have an excuse to ogle. Such a pain to have to explain that that there is such a thing as talent that is required as well!
Having to prove that there is a brain behind the pretty face
This is an actual problem as opposed to the delusion and self centered preoccupation that makes a problem out of the above privileges. People do tend to presume that if one is good looking, one really cannot be very smart (blonde joke anyone?). So sometimes it can be a bit insulting when people respond with amazement to the fact that good looking people can in fact know what the square root of 4 is.
Having to prove that there is a brain behind the pretty face
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